Have recent market falls exposed the alternative asset sector that’s been so popular with investment trust buyers these past few years?
Exploring the world of investment trusts
Have recent market falls exposed the alternative asset sector that’s been so popular with investment trust buyers these past few years?
VCTs offer a dazzling array of tax reliefs to lure in investors. But the rules are shifting and the VCT landscape is changing fast.
Investment trusts still seem to be a niche endeavour, so books about them tend to be very rare. Step forward The Investment Trust Handbook.
We’re currently in ‘correction’ territory with the UK market down 10% from its most recent peak in May 2018. Stock market falls like this can hit investment trusts harder than most, as a lot of funds have some level of gearing and discounts to asset values tend to widen.
How much and how often? Investment trust dividends come in all shapes and sizes, so here a few key things every investor should know.
It’s been a great decade for many investment trusts, but it’s important not to get to carried away when looking at performance tables.
Read a little about investment funds and you’ll soon come across someone saying “investment trusts outperform other types of fund”. There are good reasons to believe that they may do, but it’s a very difficult thing to prove.
What are the key numbers you should be aware of as an investor in investment trusts?
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