Are you better off with an investment trust or an open-ended fund? Most people seem to lean towards the former, although perhaps that’s the investing company I keep, but convincing data is very hard to find.
Exploring the world of investment trusts
Are you better off with an investment trust or an open-ended fund? Most people seem to lean towards the former, although perhaps that’s the investing company I keep, but convincing data is very hard to find.
I largely focus on funds that either have a UK or global remit, with a few themes on the side. But here I’m looking at investment trusts that specialise in a single region or country.
Loads of articles have looked at the best performing shares and funds over the 2010s. I thought I’d add a little twist, looking at the trusts that doubled in the first half of the decade and then repeated the trick in the second.
Regular readers may know that I’m often vexed by the cost of investment funds. But there’s one element that doesn’t distress me that much. And that is a performance fee.
After a year of deliberation, the AIC has just revealed its new sector definitions for investment trusts. It’s a major shake-up and looks like a big improvement from what I have seen so far.
There’s a ton of information that investment trusts could put in the much-maligned Key Information Document. Here’s my wish list.
ISA millionaires seem to be big news these days. But if you had invested the maximum into ISAs and PEPs since 1987 then an index-tracking fund probably would have done the trick.
Is your trust run by a large group or a lone wolf? And what difference might it make to your returns?
Costs are one of the few things we can control as investors. They can have a massive impact on your long-term returns, too.
What is a reasonable fund charge these days? How easy is it to tell if you’re paying a fair amount or getting stitched up like the proverbial kipper?
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