The AIC has updated its annual list of ISA Millionaires, the number of trusts that would now be worth a million pounds if you had invested your full ISA allowance each year.
Exploring the world of investment trusts
The AIC has updated its annual list of ISA Millionaires, the number of trusts that would now be worth a million pounds if you had invested your full ISA allowance each year.
A little over a year ago, the AIC set out the 30-year returns for the trusts that have been with us for 70 years or more. The data has just been updated so let’s see what impact the events of the last year have had.
The AIC has published its latest list of ISA Millionaires showing how much you would have if you had put your full ISA allowance into a single investment company every year since 1999.
After a year of deliberation, the AIC has just revealed its new sector definitions for investment trusts. It’s a major shake-up and looks like a big improvement from what I have seen so far.
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